Alcohol Forum’s commitment to you.
It is important to us as a national charity who relies on the goodwill and generosity of the public, to instil a sense of openness, honesty and transparency amongst our donors. It is not enough that we uphold what is expected of us by law, we intend to do our very best to provide the best services and have the utmost respect for our donors.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors on 9th September 2016, Alcohol Forum fully committed to achieving the standards contained within the ICTR Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising. The statement provides Irish charities with good practice standards for fundraising. It offers a set of principles and guidelines about how fundraising should be approached and organised. It complements and builds on existing legal frameworks within which all charities operate. It was developed after extensive consultation with industry experts and stakeholders including charities, non-profit organisations, legal and financial advisors, donors and academics. This process was led by the Irish Charities Tax Reform Group and supported by the then Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs.
The principles aim to:
- Improve the way charities raise their funds;
- Promote accountability and transparency among charities;
- Provide clarity and assurances to donors about the organisations they support.
We commit to doing this by:
- Providing a Public Compliance Statement setting out our commitments;
- Providing and upholding a Donor Charter;
- Providing a simple and direct channel for Feedback and Complaints which is also available as a pdf document here: Alcohol Forum’s Procedure for Complaints and Feedback;
- Fully adhering to the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising
We welcome your feedback on our performance. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. View our Feedback and Complaints procedure.
Learn more about the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising on the Charities Institute Ireland website.