Moving Parents and Children Together

A ten-week brief intervention to help children aged 8-17 whose parents have problems with alcohol or other drugs.

What is M-PACT?

Moving Parents & Children Together Programme (M-PACT) is an evidence-based whole family approach which aims to improve the well-being of children and families affected by substance misuse.

This ten-session brief intervention is suitable for families with children aged 8-17 years. Families work together in a friendly, safe, multi-family group environment and assistance with childcare and transport is available if required.

M-PACT supports families to address areas such as communication and coping strategies as well as educating family members on what addiction is and its impact on children and family life. M-PACT focuses on helping and supporting families to make positive changes. It puts children at its heart and ensures that children and young people living with parental substance misuse are safe, visible and their voices are heard.

How it works

The programme brings together up to eight families at any one time, where at least one parent has or had an alcohol or drug problem either legal or illegal and where there is at least one child aged 8-17 years old.

Prior to the programme beginning families undergo a thorough assessment to ascertain if they have the capacity to participate meaningfully and safely. The Programme is delivered over 8 consecutive weekly sessions each lasting 2 ½ hours. 

During this time children and parents will work separately and together in a friendly, confidential, safe, non-judgemental environment with a team of four highly skilled & trained professional facilitators who help them find ways to achieve improvements in family life to the benefit of the family as a whole.

Families can be referred on the programme by Community, Voluntary and Statutory organisations working with and supporting families including schools, youth groups, family support agencies, mental health services, etc. Families can Self-Refer to the programme by contacting us either by email or phone on the numbers below.

M-PACT listens to the voice of the Children

Irish Context
  • It is estimated that 1.4 Million people in Ireland have a harmful drinking pattern – “Tusla 2019”
  • Estimated that 200,000 Children are being brought up in homes impacted by Alcohol Harm and further 400,000adults live with legacy of this Childhood Trauma  – “University College of Cork 2020”

Original Artwork by Children/ Young People who participated in the M-PACT programme.

Where it is available

The M-PACT programme is delivered across Donegal, Sligo & Leitrim, West Cavan. Alcohol Forum Ireland is the only licensed provider of M-PACT in Ireland.

Who can take part

The M-PACT programme is free and available to families where at least one parent has or had an alcohol or drug problem and where there is at least one child aged 8-17 years old.

Parents are not required to be in recovery or treatment to participate in the programme.

M-PACT Participant's Testimonials

Check out what past participants have to say...

"It was different to be with people who knew about addiction because in the house it was unspoken and hidden away"​
“At programme meetings there was always a friendly atmosphere and good humour – they taught us to talk respectfully to the other person , calmly solving our own problems ​"
“In the M-Pact programme I learned to talk honestly and understandingly with my partner and children” ​
“Thank you for the help received – that wholeheartedly and sincerely helped us to unite, merge and repair our family” ​
“The kids now know they are not the only family affected by addiction” ​
“After the programme I felt I had regained my love and hope for a better future”

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Would you like to learn more about this programme?

M-PACT in Donegal

For information on the M-PACT Programme in Donegal;

M-PACT in Sligo, Leitrim & West Cavan

For information on the M-PACT Programme in Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan;

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