Workplace Health & Wellbeing

How much does alcohol and other drug use impact your organisation?

Work&Care - Health & Wellbeing Programme

Practical, evidence-based training and resources that give you the tools needed to foster a culture that promotes health and wellbeing in the workplace

We are Ireland’s leading charity in alcohol and other drug related workplace matters. With over 15 years experience in health and wellbeing training the Alcohol Forum’s workplace programme can help you and your staff respond effectively to alcohol and other drug-related issues.

How we can assist you to:

  • Promote Safety, Health and Welfare at work
  • Comply with duty of care and legal obligations
  • Reduce absenteeism
  • Increase productivity
  • Improve workforce health and wellbeing
  • Increase supervisory skills in conducting earlier constructive conversations with employees
  • Increase workforce awareness about alcohol and other drugs
  • Develop alcohol and other drug policy and procedures

Helping employees when alcohol or other drug performance issues arise at work is not only productive but supports employees’ health and wellbeing

Our Training Programmes

‘It’s Our Business’

One day health and wellbeing skills training for managers, supervisors and key staff in responding to alcohol and other drug-related workplace issues

‘Re-Setting our Drinking’

90 minute employee alcohol and other drug awareness workshop

‘Fit For Work’

Half day awareness training for managers, supervisors and key staff on how alcohol and other drug issues affect the workplace

‘Tom: Drink and Work’

Downloadable 7 minute video delivering a message on how alcohol can impact on our personal, social and work life

‘Developing Alcohol and Other Drug Policy and Procedures’

Consultation and advice on practical steps to minimise risks associated with alcohol and other drugs in the workplace

Our Support Services

  • Employee screening, assessment and follow up support for alcohol or other drug issues
  • Confidential support for loved ones and families living with problematic alcohol or other drug use
  • Direct access to the charity’s family support programmes
  • Onward referral, where necessary, to other appropriate health and social care services

“I wish I had this training ten years ago - found it all very useful”

Health Sector Manager

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