ÉNDpae Ireland
ÉNDpae is an all-island parents’ and carers’ support group dedicated to supporting people affected by NDpae and their families. It also promotes education for professionals and public awareness of the condition.
What is NDpae?
NDpae, Neurodevelopmental Disorder associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure is also known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Pre-natal alcohol exposure is the leading cause of preventable intellectual disability in the world.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders are brain-based impairments resulting from pre-natal alcohol exposure that affect one million babies born across the globe every year. Primary manifestations are demonstrated by changes in brain structure and / or function.
NDpae Facts
Children and adults with FASD can experience behavioural issues, difficulties with regulation of mood or behaviour, cognitive deficits, impaired executive functioning. Longstanding research shows that people with this condition are likely to face serious difficulties across their lifespan:
- 92% will receive a formal mental health diagnosis
- 60% experience trouble with the law
- 50% have a history of confinement in jail, residential drug treatment facility or psychiatric hospital
- Estimated that 30% of global population of children in alternative care have an FASD
- 61% of children and adolescents with FASD have significant school disruptions
- 428 co-occurring conditions have been identified from 127 studies of children impacted by pre-natal alcohol exposure (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2016), including central nervous system dysfunction, epilepsy, heart defects, compromised auditory function and compromised immune system.

About ÉNDpae
ÉNDpae is an all-island parents’ and carers’ support group dedicated to supporting people affected by NDpae (also known as FASD) and their families. It also promotes education for professionals and public awareness of the condition. The group was formed with support from the Alcohol Forum in 2017. The group comprises of birth, foster and adoptive parents and grandparents and is a safe place to share, support and learn from each other.
Role of Alcohol Forum
Working in collaboration with parents, the Alcohol Forum supports the advocacy work of and the development of the group, its website and information resources.
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Name, Porgramme
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When you are ready to talk and need support, ENDpae members are ready to listen. Fear and silence won’t help things to change. Help is out there and the journey to a more positive future for you and your family can begin today.
Publications & Resources
Alcohol Forum Publications:
Alcohol Related Brain Injury: A Guide for Professionals
Alcohol Related Brain Injury: A Guide for Families
Mind Your Brain – Brief Advice
Alcohol and the Adolescent Brain
Other International Publications:
A Fuller Life: Report of the Expert Group in Alcohol Related Brain Damage, Scottish Executive
Alcohol and Brain Damage in Adults, Royal College of Psychiatrists UK
All in the Mind: Meeting the Challenge of Alcohol-Related Brain Damage, Alcohol Concern, Wales
Getting in Touch with Us
Alcohol Forum Ireland is funded and supported by...