Irish Community Action on Alcohol Network (ICAAN)

The Irish Community Action on Alcohol Network was launched in 2017 to support the continued development of community action on alcohol in Ireland and to facilitate collective working to prevent and reduce alcohol harm.

What is ICAAN?

The Irish Community Action on Alcohol Network was launched in 2017 to support the continued development of community action on alcohol in Ireland and to facilitate collective working to prevent and reduce alcohol harm.

While community action on alcohol is an effective community based approach to preventing and reducing alcohol harm, were acutely aware that many of the issues that lead to increasing alcohol consumption and harm in communities require action at a higher policy level. It was based on an understanding of this need for collective action that ICAAN was formed.

Aims of ICAAN

  • To promote an evidence-based approach to community action on alcohol, enabling the sharing of best practice. It provides a space for challenges and barriers to be discussed in a positive shared learning environment.
  • To advocate for resources to support community action on alcohol.
  • To act as a learning resource between members and facilitate the exchange and development of knowledge, values and skills in the areas of community action on alcohol.
  • To create a space for members to form collective positions on issues of common concern and support collective action on these issues.
    To empower communities to tap into their potential as effective agents of change.
  • To support communities in advocating for wider enforcement and legislative changes in the area of alcohol licensing.
  • To campaign for progressive policy change to reduce alcohol harm in Ireland.
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‘This has been amazing training…enlightening, motivating. I’m not new to this area of work, I’ve worked in the area of addiction for almost 20 years and I have learned so much, about community, about the alcohol industry, about what really works’

Participant - National community action on alcohol training programme.

Find Out More...

Would you like to learn more about ICAAN?


Contact Paula Leonard: National Lead on Community Action.  

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